
Riya Thanissorn

13 Years of experience

Having over 45 countries under her belt, Riya loves to share her wealth of knowledge with clients who understand there is no substitute for trust, good taste, and sensible advice.

Luxury means different things to different people, and Riya likes to mix up her clients’ trips with hidden gems and local experiences, to create individually curated travel plans to meet their tastes and budget, and exceed their expectations. Her successful corporate career laid the foundation for her travel career, as she applied her acquired skills to this industry. She has built outstanding relationships with trusted partners, providing her clients with VIP service and amenities not otherwise available at large. 

Her goal is to ensure seamless travel planning for her clients, whilst still allowing them to discover new places in their own time, in their own way, or to see favourite destinations in a new light. She always incorporates gorgeous properties, sensational food, and some dedicated spa research into her own trips. She enjoys apres-ski and diving, food and culture, new destinations, and roaming the world with friends and family.

Although based in the leafy Adelaide Hills she has lived in Italy and London, and travels throughout the year to keep up her travel knowledge, logistical skills, and Instagram account.

What is your most memorable travel experience?

Too many to count–sliding over a frozen river near the Arctic Circle wrapped in furs and pulled by huskies; being enthralled by an impromptu dance put on by local children walking along a dusty road in Africa; seeing my little boy free-diving in the Maldives with wise old turtles; watching an exquisite meal being prepared with the precision of a surgeon in Tokyo…If you don’t have at least one “best memory ever” on each trip, you’re not doing it right!

How do you prepare for trips?

Packing is a fine art and I have my essentials ready to go at a moment’s notice:  classic black, white and navy pieces to mix and match, white leather trainers, a very neat bag of tech and camera gear (fully charged and checked in the days prior to leaving), minimal makeup, and noise-cancelling headphones.  I take a wallet with some native currency, my passport, any relevant membership cards, and travel insurance. I then have all my travel details handy in an itinerary app with loads of links to articles, blogs, and guides on the destinations I’m travelling to so I can read up during airport downtime and when I’m on the go. It’s become a really simple and streamlined process.

Travel Tip

  • It's all about bags - I always take a lightweight Longchamp foldup bag with me for unexpected (or expected!) purchases and a few press-seal plastic bags that I can sit on to make a portable cryovac system for damp or dirty clothes.