
SmartFlyer CORE 2018

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This year we had our first annual meeting of the minds known as, SmartFlyer C.O.R.E. With a never-ending thirst for knowledge we’re never really ready to put down our books and stop studying. We continuously want to build on this track and make the luxury travel lifestyle a story for our clients to tell for a lifetime. With these fundamentals: Collaboration, Originality, Relationships, and Education, we thrive as a brand, an agency, and most importantly, as a team.

Our Team

Our SmartFlyer team continues to reach new heights as our clients recognize us for dependability, immediate service, industry clout, and our ability to keep up with current trends. To say travel excites us would be an understatement. Being able to share our wealth of knowledge on cultures around the globe is our passion.  Having the ability to create true, once in a lifetime experiences for our clients is what drives us to keep our maps open and discover that road less traveled by. With agents spread throughout the United States and globally, our network of experts is robust with the ability to  share our knowledge of world travel on a 24/7 basis.

Our Aim

The aim of this retreat is to focus on the art of selling, while enriching both industry and client relationships. Known for being industry trendsetters, we are always looking for new ways to enhance the way we think about travel.

focus on the art of selling, while enriching both industry and client relationships

With this retreat, our team had the rare opportunity to be in the same space and share insight on what it’s like to curate this, ethereal affair with wanderlust for our clients.

From the art of trend-spotting to making sure our clients are getting the best possible outcome, methods were shared and many ‘a discussions were had. We’re happy to report that with our partners and advisors combined, this gathering was nothing less than fruitful. 

Our Partners

From our hotel partners, suppliers on the ground, and vehicles up in the air, we pull our relationships from every edge of the luxury travel world. Our partners are exponentially crucial to our process, as we rely on them to provide top notch services with an added personal touch. We trust them to uphold our same passion, to create once in a lifetime experiences for our clients, and a seamless booking process throughout. Without our industry friends, we would not be where we are today. The SmartFlyer CORE retreat allows the opportunity to strengthen these coveted relationships, as we learn and grow together in a fun and creative environment.




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SmartFlyer CORE 2018

This year we had our first annual meeting of the minds known as, SmartFlyer C.O.R.E. With a never-ending thirst for knowledge...

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SmartFlyer CORE 2018

This year we had our first annual meeting of the minds known as, SmartFlyer C.O.R.E. With a never-ending thirst for knowledge...

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SmartFlyer CORE 2018

This year we had our first annual meeting of the minds known as, SmartFlyer C.O.R.E. With a never-ending thirst for knowledge...